Under the Road Traffic Act your are legally required to have at minimum Third Party Only Insurance cover in place before you drive your vehicle. Whilst this is the law there are many uninsured drivers out there who continue to drive without Insurance.
There are three types of motor Insurance covers available with most Insurance Companies such as:
- Third Party Only,
- Third Party Fire and Theft,
- Comprehensive.
Additional protection can be provided for a small extra cost to include
- No claims Bonus Protection – either Full or Partial
- Windscreen Cover – automatic on most Comprehensive policies
- Roadside Assistance cover including Homestart Assistance
- Legal Expenses Cover including Claims Handling cover and Personal Accident cover
Please note: Don’t be fooled by Companies advertising No Claim Bonuses of up to 70%. Prices and Policies vary hugely. The important thing is the bottom line price and the cover you are getting. Make sure that any Quotes you get are on a like for like basis.
We search the market from our extensive panel of Insurers and advise you on choosing the right cover, at the right price with the right Insurer.
Please note that terms, exceptions and conditions apply to all insurance policies and insurance policy benefits
Easy Payment options available.
Get the personal touch – Contact us now for a Quotation, you will be glad you did
Our Staff will be happy to advise you on the Policy most suitable for your needs